I have always wanted to be a journalist when i was a little girl. And today i can say i am a kind of journalist...An amator of course and probably the only one getting her interview via myspace, but well why not. First they are a lot of bad journalist asking bad questions, and second everybody is doing everything on the internet ourdays, from finding a boyfriend to shop for new clothes.
I asked a band called, " We have band" to answer some questions and they nicely accepted. They already having a big success in tour in Europa ( check on their myspace they do have some other dates in France, Germany, Neederlands and Uk the next month ) and will soon be in tour in the USA.
I've read that you're a band coming from London and that you define it as a Disco Rock Trio. So, if Disco are you more Donna Summer or Gloria Gaynor ?
Well we have to say first of all that actually we didn't call ourselves a disco rock trio! We don't mind the description but it was a journalist that said it and now everybody repeats it and says we said it! Its strange to watch how this happens. I think if we had to be disco though we'd go for ESG or something from Micheal Jackon's Off The Wall Album.
If rock, are you more Ramones or Rolling Stones?
Lets say we had an affair with both and we don't know who the father is.
All of you worked for EMI before, quit the job and decided to have a band. What gave you the will to start making music?
It was a very strange thing for us, we just fell into making music. We actually started before we left our jobs but then the chance to leave came up and we took it and that gave us the time to really work on our music. Thomas and Dede are married and we are all very very close friends so things happened so naturally. We would meet up at Tom and Dede's, have dinner and then make a song. There were no plans to play live but then after a few months we decided we would try and about 3 minutes after we came off stage from our first gig a girl came up and offered us 2 other shows, one of which became of our first ever festival show. Things continued like this and its really the same now, we take it step by step.
About your song, Why did you choose to cover West End Girl from the Pet Shop Boys ? Any particular relation to this song?
We were asked by an organisation called Buffetlibre (www. buffetlibredjs. net) to do a cover and we had time so we thought why not. We were planning to do Automatic by The Pointer Sisters but then Tom heard West End Girls playing somewhere and said we should do that. We all love the song. Its really a timeless classic. We also wanted to do a song we could play live too, its really fun to play.
We Have Band was looking for a label , Did you find one now?
The label thing is funny. These days you can do so much of the work yourself, especially in the early days, so its hrad to know when and even if you need a label. We feel quite relaxed about finding a one. We do want to release our album this year and we want to find it a good home but we really want it to be the right home. We want our label to love what we do as much as we do. There's no point other wise.
The all press is comparing you to the best of New Young Pony Club and Hot Chip. Most of the artist ourdays tell that they do not listen to actual music and don't like to be compared to other bands. What are you thinking about these comparaison and what are your influence?
We listen to lots of music all the time. Comparisons are natural and we dont really mind but its a shame when people project ideas onto you and think that you want to sound like something or someone. But you know its the same as the "disco rock trio" thing, people just repeat what they read or heard somewhere else. I really dont think that we sound so much like anyone we're compared to that would mean by coincidence everyone was saying the same thing. The New Young Pony Club comparison is a bit strange because none of us really know much of them. Hot Chip we are all fans of. And with them, they're really mixing a lot of styles which makes them hard to classify and you get the feeling that makes them feel very free. We cant really classify ourselves either and we like it so we feel something in common there.
Could you give us a song that you like more as your own song?
Probably not actually. That has to be a good thing!
A band that we should hear in 2009?
Plugs. They're great and we'll be touring with them later this year. There album should come soon too.
The worst come back these last years?
We've not been paying attention.
Where did you have your best concert?
We had a great show early on in London in a place called The Lock Tavern (thiis was one of the ones the girl offered us at our first show). Its tiny and they're not using many mics because there's no need with the size of the room. The atmosphere was amazing. Transmusicales in Rennes was great. We loved Berlin at a place called Scala and also we recently went to Bucharest in Romania, that was a lovely night.
The craziest thing that happened to you as band?
Forming the band.
Where would you take us to party?
Our house.
Wanna make a small playlist for Bric à Brac?
Plugs - Imaginary Freind
Micachu - Golden Phone
Animal Collective - My Girls
Bjork - Enjoy
The Rapture - Open Up You Heart
Talking Heads - Listening Wind
Of Montreal - An Eluardian Instance
what are they, if not a great Disco Rock Trio!?
RépondreSupprimerbut it'Sstill a great interview. congratulation!! wanna read more like this:)
karl georg
you seem to have done it all your life long !!! you're the new Philippe Manoeuvre, well, except you're a girl and you're a thousand times prettier than him... (which is going to be a remarkable advantage, u'll see...;)
RépondreSupprimerhope this will be the first of lots of interviews...
luvvv !
you really did a good job girl, even the band was obviously a litle pissed by the first question...but just a good journalist can upset a good band;)